10 + 1 women explorers you should know

5 mujeres exploradoras que deberías conocer

This 8 March 2022, we want to dedicate it to all women, especially 5 Spanish explorers who stand out for their effort and perseverance. We are sure you know them all, but we would like to tell you more in detail about their paths and achievements.

1. Edurne Pasabán, Mountaineer (48 years old, Guipúzcoa)

She was the first woman in the world to crown the 14 eight-thousanders (14 mountains over eight thousand metres high) and the twenty-first person in the world to do so. Her first eight-thousander was Mount Everest in 2001, and Shisha Pangma, in Tibet, was her last eight-thousander in 2010.

Edurne Pasabán subiendo una montaña de nieve

2. María Teresa Tellería, Pharmacist and Mycologist (72 years old, Bilbao)

She was the first woman director of the Royal Botanical Garden in 250 years and is currently a research professor at the CSIC. Across Europe, Africa and Latin America, through jungles and rivers, Ms Tellería travelled almost all over the world looking for mushrooms and fungi.

Rosa María Tellería en una expedición con una tortuga

3. Alicia Sorsona, Journalist (49 years old, Madrid)

She is the first (and only) Spanish woman to have travelled worldwide on a motorbike almost a decade ago in 2011. With thousands of kilometres behind her, she has travelled through many countries on the most challenging routes, often alone and for charity purposes.

Alicia Sorsona dando la vuelta al mundo en moto

4. María Valencia, Doctor (48 years old, Victoria)

An adventure lover, in 2008, she travelled from Vitoria to New Zealand in an old Renault 4 L with no return date. Her journey lasted 4 years, after which she returned to Vitoria, where she lives and continues to work as a doctor. Her last expedition was in March 2018 to East Greenland. She has worked as a volunteer in India, the Philippines, Benin, Brazil and Indonesia and participated as a doctor in several expeditions with Mars Gaming Expedition.

María Valencia en una expedición

5. Isabel Muñoz, Photographer, (71 years old, Barcelona )

Winner of the Spanish National Photography Award 2016 and two World Press Photo awards, she has photographed Khmer dance, Cuban ballet and tango in Argentina, lost tribes in Papua New Guinea and Ethiopia, the pain of destroyed Cambodia and the violence of the Maras in El Salvador. Congo was the last destination she travelled to.

Isabel Muñoz, fotógrafa mirando a un cuadro

Meet the female adventurers of Miss Wood

Many other Spanish female explorers stand out for their ambition, and others will do so in the future. To celebrate the 8th of March in grand style by honouring all the 6 women, part of the Miss Wood team. Happy Women's Day!

6. Noemí, 32 years. Head of Communications

Location: Galicia
Countries visited: 11
Travel: Norway
Next destination: Menorca

7. Olivia, 25 years. Art director

Location: Catalonia
Countries visited: 11
Travel: La Toscana
Next destination: Menorca

8. Sara, 39 years. Multilingual problem solver

Location: Italy
Countries visited: 28
Travel: India
Next destination: Slovenia

9. Lucila, 31 years. Silkscreen printing

Location: Argentina
Countries visited: 13
Travel: México
Next destination: Italy

10. Laia, 27 years. Order Management

Location: Catalonia
Countries visited: 10
Travel: Menorca
Next destination: Riviera Maya

11. Harper, 3 years. Controler

Location: Catalonia
Countries visited: 3
Travel: Costa Brava
Next destination: Pyrenees

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