8 women travellers who inspire us in 2024

8 mujeres viajeras que nos inspiran este 2024

On the occasion of Women's Day this 8 March 2024, we would like to pay tribute to all women travellers, and in particular to highlight eight women we follow through networks and who we want you to meet.

They are causing a sensation and making their mark in the world of travel. From globetrotters with an indomitable spirit to bloggers who share their experiences in an authentic way, these women invite us to explore new horizons and follow our dreams with courage.

Here we tell you more about them:

1.  Kristina Escortell

Better known as @buscandoalsol, she is a traveller and content creator who shares all her adventures on a blog and through Instagram. She organises group trips and gives advice and inspiration for exploring places.

Kristina de Buscando al Sol 

Pic: www.buscandoalsol.com

2. Patricia Frías

Founder of "Hazlo y viaja sola", a project that aims to help other women lose their fear of travelling, and being, alone. She is also a mountain guide on her other account @patriguiando.


Pic: Facebook "Hazlo y Viaja sola"

3. Sua Rey

Founder and expedition leader of the agency Ojo de Nómada, which organises signature trips to unique, hidden and unexplored places. You can follow all her adventures on her personal instagram @sua_rey or on the agency's instagram @ojodenomada.

Pic: www.ojodenomada.com

4. Carla Lamas

Carla is a travel journalist, passionate about discovering new places, cultures and people. She has a blog where she tells you all about her travels, although she is best known for her podcast La Maleta de Carla.

pic: www.lamaletadecarla.com 

5. Nerea Badostain

She writes and shares her travel experiences in a blog called "Dos mochilas y media" to help other travellers to fulfil their dreams and discover this wonderful world. You can also find her on her instagram @nereabados where she uploads inspiring pictures.

pic: @nereabados

6. Ana Hernández

Better known as Azul Místico, she is a travelling youtuber who has more than 400k followers and shares her travel experiences through this channel. She also uploads spectacular photos to her instagram @azul_mistico.

pic: @azul_mistico


7. Cristina Rodríguez

An influencer known on her social networks @akkicris89 for sharing itineraries, ideas and travel guides in a very entertaining video format. She also has a newsletter where she sends interesting content and offers tips, discounts and routes.

pic: @akkicris89

8. Gigi Salomón

Journalist and traveller, known on social media as @_sincoordenadas. She shares her experiences in her travel blog and shares information, practical information, routes, accommodation references and tips. She documents everything with photographs that she uploads to her instagram.


pic: @_sincoordenadas


These amazing women have shown us that the world is full of possibilities waiting to be discovered. Whether you decide to explore an exotic destination or simply take a stroll through a nearby town, remember to always carry with you a passion for travel and a curiosity for the unknown. 

Happy Women's Day!


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