5 Tips for Working from Home

5 Tips para Trabajar desde Casa

Don't miss these 5 tips for your Home Office!

1. Pajamas out

Dress like you're going to work. As tempting as it is, wear comfortable clothes but no pajamas. Pajamas encourage drowsiness, that's why they were invented. The way you dress affects you psychologically. Take the time to bathe, eat breakfast, brush your teeth and get dressed so you feel more confident.

2. Optimize your work space

Set up your space so it's as close to an office as possible. Organize your desk and create the right atmosphere to tackle your tasks. Surround yourself with things that inspire you and make you happy like flowers, music and paintings. Make your workspace a place where you like to be every day and work better.

3. Respect the schedule

Try to follow the same schedule and breaks you would in the office. This will allow you to get better organized and not end up taking a toll on yourself. To be more productive it is important to respect a professional routine: get up at the same time, get dressed as if you were going to the office (get dressed, eat breakfast).

4. Move around a bit

It's not going to be all work! Try to exercise to stay active in every way. Your body needs to move in order to function better and your mind needs to clear itself of the screen you've been immersed in all day. Give yourself some time to recharge your batteries and be more productive.

5. You work from home, but you WORK

For those who live with you it can be difficult to understand that you are, at home, but not available to solve problems, to do shopping. That nobody stops you or distracts you from the fact that you are at home is your responsibility and deserves the same involvement.

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