The Decalogue of Sustainable Tourism

Travel in a sustainable way.
There are many factors that we may not take into account when we get on a plane or in a car, and that is that something that may seem so everyday leaves a tremendous environmental footprint. This doesn't mean you can't travel, or that you have to stop, but with these tips you will greatly reduce the impact we leave around us.
Right now we live in such an absolute connection that it is essential to get out of the routine and give ourselves an escape to a wonderful destiny. Just because your destination is impressive does not mean that you have to go to the most common cities and tourist areas, overcrowded and in high season, in fact, I encourage you to choose a place that is far away from all this. We are all travellers, but we are also tourists, and we tend to be constantly overcrowded rather than distributed, and so areas would suffer much less. If you follow my advice you will live a different experience, you will be able to integrate much better into the daily life of the place and you will also be contributing to a more sustainable tourism.
This is possibly one of the most important pieces of advice, and it is that information about the history, culture and heritage of the place you are going to travel to is essential. It is no longer just out of curiosity, but because in this way we can be respectful of the society with which we are going to live. Knowing the behaviors, values and traditions is always necessary to avoid falling into hackneyed and generally wrong topics. Expanding your knowledge in all these areas will increase your wisdom and love for the world and the people in it.
When choosing an accommodation we have to take into account many factors to reduce the environmental impact we cause by moving. Choosing places that encourage the saving of resources, the use of public transport and that use building materials that respect the environment and the traditions of the area is very important, as well as taking into account blue flag beaches or natural reserves. In hotels and accommodation areas you can ask if they have ecological and integration with the natural context certifications.
Always choose to walk in front of transport, and if you can't, make it public rather than private. Alternatives to walking and cycling are respectful of the environment and also of the cultural heritage of the areas with the most agglomerations, as they reduce soil erosion and do not contribute to the different types of pollution that other means of transport cause.
This is something you shouldn't do alone when travelling, but sometimes, with the excitement of the holiday and the relaxation of a season away you might forget, so it's not superfluous to remember these crucial points. All populations depend on water, it is a scarce resource and although we take its accessibility for granted, this is not always the case, so you must be very responsible with its consumption wherever you are. Be well informed about the waste collection system in the place you go and try to recycle as much as possible whenever you can. Minimize the generation of waste, especially plastic, by not buying products with unnecessary packaging.
Avoid buying plants or animals to take home, and not just because they might cause you a problem at customs or be protected, but because they might be a problem for your own environment when you return. When visiting protected areas such as natural parks, don't forget that they have been created precisely to care for and preserve the flora and fauna of the area, so respect it and be careful.
We all bring each other gifts! And of course you can continue to do so, for you and for all your loved ones, but try to buy them in the local craft shops so that you can contribute to the maintenance and development of the economy of the area you are visiting. They are also gifts that will undoubtedly be appreciated much more when you return.